Monday, 1 July 2013

An idea - Butcher2

I have not had much time lately (story of my life). I did finish painting my Iron Fang Pikemen and undercoated the Widowmakers and the Marauder. The wind was well and truly thrashed from my sails when I realised that I couldn't go to Wintercon. I've got a family commitment that weekend and have had to take time off work as well. That was annoying but I'm over it now and ready to paint/play  again (funny how sometimes when circumstances conspire to force you to stop doing something you like that as a reaction you kind of boycott doing that thing you like as a big 'Get Bent' to the universe).

Anyways, I have come up with an idea for Butcher2 that doesn't involve 800 Doom Reavers and looks real fun. I still have 16 points to play with but the core is Butcher2, Beast, second jack (Spriggan at this stage), Saxon, Madelyn, Iron Fang Pikemen and UA and Alexia1. The second jack can be anything but I'm thinking a ranged jack like Ivan could do the job. I'll probably want a Bokur, Gorman and the dog to try keep Butcher alive. Widowmakers or Rifle Corp seem like they would be a nice fit too.

The idea is that Butcher2 brings a feat that is pretty good and also two great spells (Fury and Boundless Charge) for ensuring single models get the charge and do a large amount of damage. Eliminator is basically ignored on his card. I am a firm believer that the Butcher can run Jacks very well, especially once you get into combat range but I don't know if I can fit three in. Especially if I also stick to my "take a bombard" rule.

It looks real fun. I'd like Kodiak or Marauder in there to make some nice assassinations possible with two handed throws or Slams but I suspect Spriggan or Ivan will be my choice at the end. Pikemen could get a downright silly threat between charge, mini feat and the actual feat. Looks something like 23" of non-linear threat. Lots could go wrong in that though (and MAT 6 is not really enough once you get there unless you boost win the rage tokens to fish for a crit - seems an unreliable strategy).

I'm going to think more about it but the core is solid.