It is Easter so there is lots of family time, lots of chocolate and hot cross buns. On the Warmachine front things have been quiet. I still haven't fully recovered from being sick so gaming has been out since there is a backlog of stuff to do around the house. However, I did finish painting my Greylord Escort (Doom Reaver UA for those not in the know). I'm reasonably happy with how he looks but his face isn't the best. I kind of suck at painting eyes but I determined to get better which means I just have to paint more eyes!
I also undercoated and painted the arcs on my Iron Fang Pikemen. I am a bit nervous as to how long it will take me to paint all 12. That said, at the same time I really want to get a fully painted army down. Once I finish them I will just have a handful left to complete (for my Vlad2 army). I also tend to surprise myself how quickly I can paint things up and spend a lot of time not painting because I think I won't accomplish anything.
I am hoping to get a game in during the next fortnight or so. I read other blogs and kind of wish I could play once a week or something similar. Mind you much of the stuff I do when other people are gaming (e.g. Chill with my wife) is a lot more awesome. Work is less so though.
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