I did get some more painting on my Doom Reavers done over the weekend but they are not finished. I also bought some paint and am tossing up between painting the Winter Guard or the Widowmakers next. The Widowmakers will probably be used in more lists than the Winter Guard but maybe starting the big unit will pay dividends in the future (i.e. in May/June when I am not motivated it might be better to have a collection of Solos and small units to paint rather than 15 identical paint schemes).
I also picked up Ragman because he was cheap. That got my brain ticking over to the type of 2nd and 3rd lists I could run with pSorscha. I am not quite sure that I will ever use the third list in a tournament because I doubt I am good enough to qualify for a Masters (where three list Divide and Conquer is common). However, I’d like to have three lists in case. When I write lists I find I have 2-3 things that really drive it. If my list gets screwed by terrain or has no magical weapons then it tends to get scrapped. The other thing is that if I think my list is a skew list, I will shelve it right there and then (no eButcher Doom Reaver spam or pVlad Beserker spam for me. I think I might need to break out of this mental prison. Having Pathfinder and Magical Weapons is important but I think I am getting overly hung up on it. I plan to write on these list building themes later but not for now.
Anyway, the lists I came up with look pretty good and pretty strong. The first is eVlad slanted towards attrition (via Transference) rather than Assassination. The reason for this is that I think eVlad Assassination lists don’t quite function at 50 points and that Attrition is just a stronger play strategy. I also want to try eVlad with Iron Fang Pikemen under Hand of Fate; a scary combination. The second is a pButcher list with an impressive amount of melee damage potential. The idea here is that I would rather have stuff that hits like a brick late game relying on luck to connect than stuff that has a good chance of hitting but needs luck to seal the deal. There also seems no way to avoid casualties with Stormwalls et al. So I figure I want to have whatever does make it hit so hard that I can down the heaviest thing. Having a list that can just punch straight through enemies no matter the buff-age is nice too because there is only 1 Epic Eiryss and she tends to get shot.
The Lists
- Behemoth
- Wardog
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts)
- Officer and Standard
Doom Reavers
- Greylord Escort
Great Bears of Gallowswood
Koldun Lord
- Marauder
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts)
- Black Ivan
- Spriggan
- Wardog
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts)
- Officer and Standard
Kayazy Assassins (Leader and 9 Grunts)
- Underboss
Alexia Ciannor and the Risen (Alexia and 20 Grunts)
Lady Aiyana and Master Holt
- Valachev
2 Point Solo (Koldun Lord, Widowmaker Marksman, Something)
I considered dropping Gorman for Harlan in eVlad and then putting Gorman into pButcher but I don’t really like it for a variety of reasons. The Koldun Lord could be good for the focus and debuff so I’ll probably go with him. I also considered putting Valachev onto Alexia and Risen but I don’t want to be moving Butcher to catch Risen in his feat bubble (Fury is more than enough if I want them to kill stuff) and also I want to be able to extend the threat of Aiyana. Holt under feat will kill some casters.
Should be fun.
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